Thursday, May 22, 2008

Visual Literacy Reflections

In this unit, I really learned the idea of art being interpreted as you would like to interpret it. I wasn't really quite sure what to think when it was stated in the first unit that art can be interpreted many different ways with none of them being wrong; although, I know now that statement is true. There are so many ways to interpret just one piece of art! My whole life, when I looked at a picture, the most I would see was that first "onion-layer" of content: what the most simple, basic meaning was. Now that I have been shown an example of how to really tear apart a piece of art and analyze every inch of that work, it means a little bit more to me than just a picture or a painting. I finally understand the difference between representational, abstract, and non-objective, which I have pretty much almost always been confused about. I also now have a few more words to add to my description category, (and ultimately make me sound like I sort of know what I'm talking about!) which would be form and content. My conversations about art may now be a little bit more intellectual rather than the general "yes I like this one!" or "no I don't".


Kris04 said...

I couldn't agree with you more! I was the same way that when I looked at a piece of art i would only see that first "onion layer", but not I that pieces of art have many different meanings to each and every person

JB said...

When I started the class I was a little nervous about interpreting art too. It's amazing that an image has so many different meanings.